Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Things We Should All Know

Living a life and not being dependent on others for the smallest things should be a goal of all of us. Being ready for emergencies large or small, gives us the independence to live a complete life. Here are nine things we should all know how to do.

1. Learn to Build a Fire -
Fire produces heat and light, two basic necessities for living. At some point in your life this knowledge may be vital and save your life or that of a love one.

2. Learn to Operate a Computer -
Beginner computer knowledge is essential these days. If you learned to type in high school, you are more than half way there. Free classes are offered at many schools, take advantage of one of these even if you do not have a home computer. You will be glad you did.

3. Learn to Be Able to Speak in a way that captivates people's attention-
If you can't do this, you should probably just save your breath. Practice you communication skills in front of a mirror or friends, if you need to. Learn a couple of good jokes that can be told in all types of company. Research a few facts on 5-6 subjects so you will always have something intelligent to say. You do not have to be a genius and the subject doesn't have to be long to get a good conversation started but you do need to be able to start one.

4. Learn to Deliver Bad News in a Compassionate Manner -
This is a subject no one likes to think about but somebody has got to do it. Unfortunately, someday that person might be you.

5. Learn to give Driving Directions-
You do not realize how important this is until you find yourself driving around in circles. Get this one right the first time. Buy an Atlas and/or city map. Learn the main streets by their names and numbers. Once you get that done filling in the side streets will be easier.

6. Learn to Swim -
71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Learning the breast or back stroke might be a good idea.

6. Learn Basic Cooking -
If you can't cook your own breakfast or dinner, you probably aren't going to make it to the end of your other goals.

7. Learn to Handle a Hammer, Axe or Handsaw -
Carpenters are not the only ones who need tools. Everyone, male and female, should have a basic understanding of these hand tools.

8. Learn to Make a Simple Budget -
Being in debt or running out of money before your next payday is not fun. A simple budget is the key.

9. Learn to Give a Compliment and mean it - It's one of the greatest gifts you can give someone, and it doesn't cost you a penny.

These are only the beginning of the things we need to know to live a fuller richer life. Don't try learning them all in one day, choose the ones that touch your life today and build from there.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Celebrating Holidays as a Single

Finding your self alone during the time of year when most of us are looking forward to celebrating with families, can be hard on a single person. There is just something about being the only person looking at your Christmas Tree and the only one placing presents under it, that gives us a deep feeling of being alone. When and if this ever happens to you, it may be time to be Santa to someone else. Nothing makes us happier than bringing a smile to the face of others, especially during the holidays.

Here's a few ideas of what to do when you find yourself alone during the holidays.

[1] Try volunteering at your local hospitals, food banks, or serving the food after it has been prepared.

[2] If no one invites you out, invite them. Surely you know of one other person who will be alone during this time. Invite as many as you can find or fit into your home. Plan a simple meal and have everyone bring a small gift to exchange.

[3] Have a couple of games or seasonal movies on hand, in case the conversation hits a snag. Ask everyone to tell a story about their childhood holiday celebrations.

[4] Gather friends and go Christmas Caroling. If you do not live in a neighborhood that allows this activity, call a local nursing home and ask if you can come by.

[5] Keep yourself busy. Do not give yourself time to dwell on being alone. And make sure you buy yourself at least three presents, after all no one deserves them more than you.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, dear readers.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Finding Love Beginning with 3 A's

Assess Your Needs...

We often go on a quest for something without really knowing what we are looking for. This can bring about confusion and misunderstandings. Know what you are looking for in your mate by knowing what it is you truly need to fulfil your desires. Know your deal breakers and your loving touches before approaching someone. Knowing one's self is just as important in a relationship as knowing the other person.

Ask Questions...

This is not the time to be timid or shy, even to yourself. None of us are mind readers and if he/she minds you asking questions, move on. Someone who is really interested in you, will not hesitate to answer anything you ask. You can not scare off the right person with questions. You may not get an answer you like or even understand at first hearing, but you still need to ask questions about things that concern you.

Always Listen...

After asking the question, be silent so you can hear the answer. Do not interrupt as they are giving you their answer. You should also be watching their body language as they are answering. When they have finished, repeat what you heard them say, so you both can be clear on the answer. This gives them the chance to clear up something if you have misunderstood them. It also brings about a better understanding method, as you learn what is important to the both of you.

An ability to communicate with each other is the glue that holds any relationship together.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning to Dance in the Rain

Anyone who says that only sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.

I do not know who said this sentence first but it's one of the greatest rules to a happy life. We are always going to have bad things happen in our lives but when we learn to see the joy instead of the worries, we really begin to live. I'm not saying to ignore the bad things, because even hurtful things need attention from time to time. But making them the focus of our lives will quickly kill any thoughts of joy, love and happiness we may have.

So set your worries aside and let the joys take their place and see how much happiness you can have dancing in the rain.

Dance between the rain drops to find your true blessings.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Simple Things In Life

Have you ever noticed when you are contented with your life all the other things seem to be better?

Today I had lunch of left over fries [thanks Five Guys] and an egg. Not much of a meal but while enjoying it, I realized how wonderful it was to be me. I have had a lot of sadness in my life in the last 13 months but for today, I'm content. If I can live this day, enjoying the blessings I have, then my tomorrows are looking better and better.

We need to look for the joy and side step the sorrow, when thinking about our future days. Give our self the chance to be the one we want to be, without the fears of yesterday.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Changes WE can do in our lives.

When things in our lives do not end up as we had hoped, what are we to do? Should we shut down and turn our backs on the world? Do we stay away from our friends and family? Do we blame ourselves for all the wrongs? Why not just build a wall so high around us, no one can get in?

While some of you may be smiling at my words, many people do handle disappointment in some or all of these manners. Thus doubling their problems.

How can we change the wrongs in our lives without hurting ourselves and others in the process? How can we find something good in all the bad around us.

#1 We acknowledge the wrong. You can not change something you never give a name to.

#2 We acknowledge that all of it wasn't our doing. I don't care what it is, unless you are on an island all alone, you will not be the only party in the mishap. Do not take responsibility for the wrong doings of others.

#3 Learn from your mistakes. True, there are some you will do again, it's just part of life. But if you learn one small lesson each time you do it. Soon you will no longer be doing it.

#4 Do not keep yourself from the friends and family that love you. They will give you a foundation to build upon again.

#5 Take the time to let yourself heal. Give yourself permission to mourn, but set a time period.

#6 When that time period is over, move forward. It doesn't matter what the hurt was, the loss of a job, loosing a love to death or another. Once the time span has passed be ready to armour up and move forward.

Staying in the past or present will only make it hurt longer. Forgive yourself and others if need be. Clear your mind of yesterdays and look forward to your tomorrows.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

6 Ways to A Little More Happiness

We all have our down moments, it's when they become down days or weeks that we should become concerned. If you feel a down moment coming on try a few of these to give yourself an instant up lift.

[1] Say "yes" but to yourself.

We often use our free time for others, leaving ourselves by the way side. Say yes to something you have been wanting to do or not do. Sometimes just having fifteen minutes of nothing but quiet will bring a smile to our faces.

[2] Eat your happy food.

Studies have shown there is a chemical change in our bodies when we eat certain foods. Sugar beets and molasses sends energy to our brains and brightens our outlook. They may not sound to good together but think molasses cookies or pickled beets. How or what ever it is that you like, eat it. Remember moderation in all things, including happy food.

[3] Change your surroundings.

Get up and move. Sitting or standing in the same place can put your brain in a fog. Walk around, look at a different picture and smile at strangers. Anything that stimulates your mind and body is an instant pick me up.

[4] Sulk or get moody, but just for a little while.

Give yourself permission to feel sad, mad or worry but set a time limit. When it's over, move on. Take a big deep breath and release it. Do this as many times as it takes to get your mind moving forward again.

[5] Do something different.

Sometimes our moods will change with a jolt of newness. Take a bubble bath instead of the shower you always take. Wear something you like, even if no one else does. Get a new hairdo or color and yes, even males can do that.

[6] Accentuate the positive things in your life.

Keep photos you love on your desk. Keep something that belongs to the one you love near by. Every time you look at it, it will remind you of them. Write down the good things that happen to you through out your day. Share them when you get home with your family.

When it comes to happiness, small things can have a big impact. Never overlook the little things in life that make us smile.
